

Effluent Treatment Plant for NSL Sugars

NSL Sugars established in the year 2003 is one of India’s leading
sugar manufacturers. Headquartered in Hyderabad, this company
sought a sustainable solution to treat their daily effluent waste
while reducing Biological Oxygen Demand.

Effluent Treatment Plant for NSL Sugars

NSL Sugars established in the year 2003 is one of India’s leading sugar manufacturers. Headquartered in Hyderabad, this company sought a sustainable solution to treat their daily effluent waste while reducing Biological Oxygen Demand.

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The Requirements

The Solution Implemented

The Solution Implemented

Work in Progress

The Result

Targets achieved with 10% higher efficiency than expected. Capital expenditure
recovered faster.

Saving of traditional fuels like Coal and Biogas due to high-efficiency biogas available
for boilers

Installation of a Condensate Polishing Unit allowed recycling of water in the fermenter

BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) reduced to 95% / 0.7 lakh ppm. COD (Chemical
Oxygen Demand) reduced to 1.2 lakh ppm

Completed Project

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