A robot-movement surface for Addverb
Addverb, a global robotics company based in India, specializes in
automating intralogistics operations for factories and warehouses.
A robot-movement surface for Addverb
Addverb, a global robotics company based in India, specializes in automating intralogistics operations for factories and warehouses.
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- A robot-movement surface for Addverb
The Requirements
- Traditional steel panels were uneven, impacting the robots' mobility.
- Anti-static surfaces were essential for effective robot communication.
- The size of Zippy tables required large panels, leading to more joints.
- A high abrasion surface was vital to withstand the wear and tear from robotic wheels.
- Managing costs was a significant concern given the expense of steel flooring.
The Solution Implemented
- EcoAMR panels feature a calibrated sanded surface, creating a seamless, level platform for robotic movement.
- These panels sport a unique anti-static finish, fostering an environment conducive to effective robot communication.
- EcoAMR panels are supplied as single-piece 80 sq ft panels, reducing joint count by an impressive 60% compared to traditional steel panels.
- Panels were customized to suit the layout of the robotic tables, with multiple finishes explored to optimize robotic wheel abrasion.

The Solution Implemented

- Customized design to meet specific needs
- Construction of an office and warehouse on a support structure of racking
- Quick project initiation and installation by the EcoYou team
- Ground +1 structure with over 12,000 sq ft of wall area
- Deployment of a multi-disciplinary team of engineers for fast installation and ramp-up
- Best-in-class design, supply, and installation provided
The Result

A level surface ensured obstacle-free robot movement.

Additional features like fire-retardancy, anti-static properties, and high abrasion resistance proved ideal for the robots’ operations.

Significant cost reductions were achieved when compared to steel flooring.

Modular boards can be replaced as needed, offering flexibility and longevity.
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